I have been called a…

January 16, 2020| Jason Michael Reynolds|1 Minutes
January 16, 2020|By Jason Michael Reynolds|1 Minutes

I have been called a…

I have been called a “saint,” for the way I “parent” my kids… or maybe because of the way my kids were born.

People will often say, “It must be hard. I don’t know how you do it.”

Well, I do it the same way ANY good parent would.

“Unconditional love and support.”

Unconditional means WITHOUT LIMITS.

Whether it is teaching our child to make an independent request or to learn how to ride a bike…

We do what we have to do to give our child the best chance at success in life.

Any GOOD parent would.

And I’m not trying to minimizing the life of a “special needs parent.”

We all have different mountains to climb in this life.

They are all LEGIT mountains.

But climbing those mountains doesn’t make you a “saint.”

It makes you a human being.

So Keep on climbing.

And I’ll see you at the top.


Original Facebook Post.