This happened while …

December 8, 2019| Jason Michael Reynolds|3 Minutes
December 8, 2019|By Jason Michael Reynolds|3 Minutes

This happened while …

This happened while I was on hiatus and I wanted to share with you.


There are times when, despite your best effort as a parent, something happens and a meltdown ensues.

Tonight it was transitioning from “playing with tablet” to the “bedtime” routine.

As soon as I told him it was time to get ready for bed, he screamed as loud as he could, and started uncontrollably hyperventilating-while-sobbing. (You know what I mean).

Typically, this is the beginning. This is the point when whatever is in arms reach is being hurled in any direction, usually resulting in something broken. This is usually when the hitting starts. Where he loses control…Violently lashing out.

Considering this one started around bedtime, it had the potential to last well into the night, maybe even continuing into the morning.

Except it didn’t.

After about 5 SECONDS of pure rage, he screamed at me “DADA UP!!!” (His way of requesting I pick him up).

I did so.

He clung to me, burying his head in my shoulder. Arms and legs wrapped tight. His breathing gradually becoming slower with the pressure of my embrace.

The sobbing subsided, giving way to just deep breathing.

I held him like that, finally sitting on the bed with him on my lap, for near half an hour.

And when he felt “regulated” enough, he got his toothbrush out, and started his bedtime routine with me.

I don’t know how many nights and how many meltdowns we have gone through together, just trying to weather the storm.

Sometimes, he will fixate on throwing an object over and over. Sometimes he will just kick, hit, flail and scream.

He didn’t hit me once tonight. He didn’t throw anything.

He just held on tight, silently begging me to help take away the “cold pricklies,” he was feeling inside and have the “warm fuzzies” back, however long it took.

And so we sat there. Holding each other. Waiting for the “bad feeling” to subside.

In the past, I’ve always felt so helpless during his meltdowns. There’s really not a lot you can do. You just grit your teeth and try to ride it out with him.

But tonight, not only was Jojo able to keep the meltdown in check, he actually requested that I HELP him with that process.

And as a parent, there is nothing on God’s green earth, I would rather do.

Frankly, when it comes to his meltdowns, that’s all I have EVER wanted.

I always want to be a “rock,” he can turn to when life seems to get overwhelming.

Even if I don’t understand the “why” of it.

Original Facebook Post.