So picture it’s 2am….

February 5, 2018| Jason Michael Reynolds|1 Minutes
February 5, 2018|By Jason Michael Reynolds|1 Minutes

So picture it’s 2am….

So picture it’s 2am… you can’t sleep. Your brain won’t shut off. What are you usually think about.

For me, sometimes it feels like I am failing at everything in life.

Doubt always nags at the back of my mind. It always seems to creep up at around 2am…

Am I doing things correctly with parenting?
Am I the best spouse I can be?
What should I be doing differently?
Is Jonah learning the way he should be?
Am I using the correct therapy?
What about Jonny?
Should I be seeking therapy for him as well?
Are the boys eating “healthy” enough?

Am I doing the best I can with my work?
Should I be doing more?

Am I “leading” well enough in the leadership positions I’ve been placed?
Am I doing the best I can at places I volunteer?
People are depending on me. Kids are depending on me…

And then things like
Is the house “clean” enough?
When will I ever get around to the ‘other chores’ that never get done?
Am I using my time wisely?
How can I use it better?
How could I be doing better?

I can’t be the only one whose brain thinks of all these questions at 2am … right?

Thanks for this H2Au: the stuff of our life. I needed this today.

Original Facebook Post.