Jonny without his cast!

December 22, 2008| Jason Michael Reynolds|1 Minutes
December 22, 2008|By Jason Michael Reynolds|1 Minutes

Jonny without his cast!

Jonny is progressing well with his cast off. He LOVES kicking his legs around again, is much more content to be playing on the floor and is generally a lot happier without having to be held all the time.

Granted he is almost always much happier when being held, but he is less fussy when he is put on the floor to play.

Did I mention he rolled from his tummy to his back the day after his cast came off? He spent the last half an hour before bed-time last night attempting to roll from his back to his tummy. It is so cute. He pulls his legs up, turns on his side, and grunts as hard as he can. He ALMOST got it last night but he tuckered out and settled for playing in his crib instead.

Pics as promised…