No more cast!

December 20, 2008| Jason Michael Reynolds|2 Minutes
December 20, 2008|By Jason Michael Reynolds|2 Minutes

No more cast!

Pictures are coming soon.

He did really well, once we got home. He screamed bloody murder while the cast was being cut off. Scared the poor guy to death it did. Then he fell asleep in the car, woke up at home and was happy as a clam. Doctor said his hips look good at first glance, but he can’t do a thorough examination until Jonny has gotten used to having the cast off about a month from now.

Jonny slept really poorly last night. Woke up every hour or so needing to be rocked to sleep. He must have been disoriented without his cast on and he woke up…or maybe it was because we didn’t change him almost all night out of habit (cuz he usually sleep through the night and doesn’t eat) he ate 3 times last night and his diaper was so soaked by 6am it leaked through his clothes and down my leg finally. I’d probably wake up too if I had that kind of problem. BAD DADDY. So far tonight, he finally went down at about 11-ish. I’m taking my allotment of free time to (along with blogging a bit) address and stuff envelopes, shoot a night photo of the snow, and do some work that could probably have waited until tomorrow. There are supposed to be gail-force winds and I can’t chance the power going out later.

I actually have new Jonny pics to upload, but don’t have the time. I am trying to get Christmas cards done, Christmas shopping done, Christmas projects done, cleaning done, and get the paper done by Monday…and my imac doesn’t an SD card slot 🙁

and wow…at least 8″ of snow has fallen here…rare for this region. That’s a whole nother blog in the works. People lose their minds around here when it snows.