Awful meltdown tonight…

January 18, 2017| Jason Michael Reynolds|2 Minutes
January 18, 2017|By Jason Michael Reynolds|2 Minutes

Awful meltdown tonight…

Awful meltdown tonight. Probably lasted 2 hours

Some nights are good nights, and the rest of the nights are payback to parents for hoarding all that sleep.

I don’t know what triggered this one, but I suspect a combination of constipation and hunger combined with no nap and school today.

This meltdown featured mommy and daddy both getting a beating, a thrown phone, thrown hexbugs, thrown sippycup and unadulterated rage at not being allowed to throw daddy’s lap top.

It’s interesting how, even when jojo is melting down, he will choose one thing to take it out on and fixate all his anger at that object. He will search and problem-solve coherently just so he can rage at the object he’s trying to get.

He even requested that I get out the lap top for him by leading me over to it (while screaming) and “throwing” my hand at it after it had been put away.

When I finally just got it out, he almost instantly calmed down. He wanted me to open it… and then close it. To make sure the soothing music wouldn’t start or stop. (That’s all I can guess) And then he fell asleep on the floor in our room.

He’s still there.

I fell asleep on the floor next to him.

Until that mangy black hair ball stuck his nose and whiskers in my face. I locked him in the bathroom.

Now I have to decide whether I’d rather let him back out and keep me up all night or have to clean up cat crap off the floor in the morning.

And with that, I bid you a good night.

Original Facebook Post.