Ugh! Here we go agai…

September 13, 2022| Jason Michael Reynolds|2 Minutes
September 13, 2022|By Jason Michael Reynolds|2 Minutes

Ugh! Here we go agai…

Ugh! Here we go again. I swear it’s EVERY YEAR!

Jonny and the school district.

August 24, I received an email from our district’s transportation office confirming Jonny’s bus service, his pickup/dropoff time, and his pickup/dropoff address.

But on the first day of school last week, Jonny waited an hour for a bus that never came and I had to scramble to get him transportation to school.

I called the district transportation office to see if they just missed him or if there was another reason the bus never came.

Nobody answered for 4 hours. It was nearly noon before I was able to chat with someone.

It was then that I discovered, Jonny didn’t actually HAVE transportation services despite the fact that the district had confirmed it with us.

They didn’t know why we were sent the confirmation, but it was apparently “a mistake.”

Jonny did NOT have bus service now, despite the fact that he was bussed almost all of last year.

And now he was stuck at school with no ride home.

I panicked.

I started calling EVERYONE.

Neighbors, teachers, district officials… I was so livid.

As parents, we are allowed to “choice” our kids into neighboring schools within the district for whatever reason.

(I “choiced” Jonny into this school specifically for their SPED program, and we were offered bussing service to and from this location last year)

So I talked with the district SPED office to try to restore Jonny’s transportation services and they said that Jonny being offered transportation last year was a mistake as “Choiced” students don’t receive transportation services.

(Which we have been receiving)

I told the SPED office that Jonny also received out of area transportation in kindergarten, but she said it was because his home school “didn’t offer” the program he was “PLACED (not choiced) INTO.”

I guess they will offer transportation to “Placed” students? But not “Choiced” students.


It’s so frustrating! I figured out Jonny’s transportation situation okay, but I almost want to fight this on principle!

Every year… I swear they do something like this to us EVERY YEAR!

Original Facebook Post.