I actually made this…

July 27, 2022| Jason Michael Reynolds|1 Minutes
July 27, 2022|By Jason Michael Reynolds|1 Minutes

I actually made this…

I actually made this meme back in 2017. I don’t remember why.

I’ve found myself saying these exact words so many times.

I have so many half-written posts and rants that I never actually finished.

Because I was just too tired.

Today was one of those days.

This week has been one of those weeks.

The last year…”years” really.

I wish I had the energy.

Here are some things I’ve tried to write about but couldn’t find the energy.

-How we survived the pandemic.

In 2020, I ran my first marathon, and it wasn’t even the hardest thing I did that week.

-Jonah’s anxiety is absolutely killing me. He cannot stand when Jonny coughs, sniffs, clears his throat, or makes any involuntary noise with his mouth. Jonny cannot abide Jonah “yelling” at him for no reason and I often end up with duel meltdowns. I have not discovered a successful parenting recourse.

Monday I spent 3 hours on the phone with insurance/providers trying to set up one speech therapy appointment.

Today I spent 4 more hours trying to set up that same one.

My grandmother’s memorial was earlier this month. It is impossible to compartmentalize parenting from grief. (The boys did fantastic). 😢🥹

There is so much more to write. And so little energy.

One day I will write a book. But right now, all I can muster is this lousy meme.

Original Facebook Post.