Jonah’s 2 month stats

January 8, 2014| Jason Michael Reynolds|2 Minutes
January 8, 2014|By Jason Michael Reynolds|2 Minutes

Jonah’s 2 month stats

So I was going to write-up a big to-do about Jonah’s 2 month stats…but really here are the highlights.

– 14 pounds 3 oz.
– all clear on his check-up.

That’s it. I’m trying to think of anything else of note… (eyes are fine, ears are fine, hips are FINE… got some shots, fussed a bit…but that’s about it).

But the kid is BIG! 14 pounds…to give you a reference… Jonny was 6 months by the time he hit 14 pounds. Jonah is 8 weeks. He is pretty proportional, but he is just mature. He wears 6-9 month clothes…easily.

Jonah is also a fair-weather baby. Bundle him up in anything above 50 degrees, and he develops heat rash. Strip him down to his diaper and/or just a onesie and he audibly sighs and smiles and coos.

I will put this kid down on the floor downstairs in most likely sub-60 degree temps and he is happy as a clam in thin jammies. His hands feel like ice and he still will fall asleep by himself looking at his hanging toys or his mobile.

I don’t know about his night-time routine. His cries simply don’t wake me up… (I know right?)
Apparently Mama will get up and feed him about 4am or so but that’s usually it lately. I have to ask Mama how he did.

Mama gives me a bit of a look (understandably)… but I can’t complain. AT ALL. Seriously. No complaining allowed.

So how does Jonny do with Jonah?

Let’s see.