Is there a toy or an…

May 10, 2022| Jason Michael Reynolds|3 Minutes
May 10, 2022|By Jason Michael Reynolds|3 Minutes

Is there a toy or an…

Is there a toy or an object that is currently causing you no end of grief?

Do you know the current bane of my parenting existence right now?

This toy.

No. Not the Bruno action figure from the movie Encanto. (Even though Jonah wanting to put Bruno into a hole he made in our drywall is always “fun.” 🙄)

The current “What in the ever-loving, fortune-telling, crumb-sized, miniaturized always lost, seventh circle from the pit of hell, is that?” problem I am facing is that little plastic toy beside Bruno.

You need a magnifying glass to see it.

That. Freaking. Mouse.

Jonah has decided this little “baby” is his new favorite of all the favorites… and of course loses this thing at least 4 times a day.

I mean look how small this thing is. (I put a quarter in the picture for reference).

Jojo loses it like all the time. ALL. THE. TIME. He loses it while he’s playing with it.

I’ve already had to open up the vacuum and the Dustbuster looking for this stupid toy because he’s afraid it may have been vacuumed up. (A valid concern.)

Like… who thinks making a toy THIS SMALL and then marketing it to SMALL CHILDREN is ever a good idea?

Has this person ever seen how kids play?

“Order extras, just in case?”
Yes. We have done that before with toys in the past.

But what inevitably happens is Jonah can spot the tiny differences in the toys and the “replacement” will just become the “second” toy and “toy number one” would STILL be missing.

Meanwhile, 2 dozen “Good Dinosaur” action figures we’ve spent hours and hours looking for and ordering/reordering replacements off of eBay are going untouched. Seriously. I have extra unopened sets of “Good Dinosaur” characters hidden away just in case one decides to “take an adventure by himself” at the beach…

And then there’s the hundreds of Cars characters and their respective play sets that have gone unplayed with and are laying around collecting dust over half of the playroom ever since this infernal Colombian cartoon caper came to Disney+.

Don’t even ask me about the hundreds of Toy Story characters filling half a dozen bins…

But seriously… with this toy…

I hope the designer has only red lights for every trip they ever take for the foreseeable future…

… or at least until Jonah moves on to new toys and I don’t have to search every square inch of the house looking for it or worry about accidentally vacuuming it up.

This mouse can pound sand.

Stupid thing.

Okay. Rant over.


Original Facebook Post.