Even When you were w…

June 13, 2020| Jason Michael Reynolds|1 Minutes
June 13, 2020|By Jason Michael Reynolds|1 Minutes

Even When you were w…

Even When you were way back in Kindergarten, waiting for the bus to take you to your first day of school, I knew you were someone special.

You don’t know how proud we are of you buddy!

You have learned so much.

We have ALL learned so much.

How to be a problem-solver. How to find solutions instead of naming problems. How to overcome adversity.

We love you so much.

Congratulations on finishing your elementary.

Most people have no idea how long of a road it has been for you.

One day, we will show them how far you have come, and how high you can climb.

You are going to change the world, Jonny.

Love, Daddy

“When you are going through tough times… just keep going.” -Jonny Reynolds (advice for incoming 5th graders)

Original Facebook Post.