Are nosebleeds commo…

February 21, 2022| Jason Michael Reynolds|2 Minutes
February 21, 2022|By Jason Michael Reynolds|2 Minutes

Are nosebleeds commo…

Are nosebleeds common with autism?

Jonah was picking up his toys last night when I noticed there was blood ALL DOWN HIS FACE.

At first, I thought it was marker. In the past, Jonah has colored his entire face.

But Jonah reacted in confusion and said “I need bandaid!”

Jonah had blood all over his hands and was smearing it on everything he touched.

I briefly panicked.

I thought for sure Jonah had finally gotten himself with the scissors or nail clippers or SOMETHING. But I couldn’t see a “wound.”

I asked him where his “owie” was and he pushed a sensory toy shaped like a drumstick up his nose.

Like he was telling me “right HERE.”

Jonah has never had a “nosebleed” before where his nose just spontaneously started hemorrhaging so I thought for sure he had stuffed something up his nose that had caused it.

Only, he hadn’t.

Nurse Mama came over and showed Jonah how to hold a tissue up to his nose to keep the blood from dripping.

We went about our bedtime routine (brushing teeth, Bedtime story, ‘jammies) with Jonah holding a tissue to his face.

And then at bedtime prayers, (about 15 minutes later) Jonah told me “all better!” meaning there was no more blood spotting the tissue and he went to bed.

I’m hoping this is a “one-off” type of thing because we have never dealt with this before.

Mama says she used to get nosebleeds as a kid all the time. There was really no rhyme or reason for them. They just kind of slowly dissipated over time and she hasn’t had one in years.

I’ve never had a random nosebleed so this is all new for me. I’m assuming this is a “random” thing like it was for Mama, but I thought I’d ask you guys as well to see if it might be more prevalent with autism.

Have you guys seen a corollary between nosebleeds and autism?

Original Facebook Post.