Guess who had zero i…

August 21, 2017| Jason Michael Reynolds|1 Minutes
August 21, 2017|By Jason Michael Reynolds|1 Minutes

Guess who had zero i…

Guess who had zero interest in an eclipse?

This guy.

Actually, our neighbors behind us are limbing their huge evergreen trees close to our fence line so I couldn’t let Jojo even play outside.

Since he has learned how to unlock the back door, we added a bar to the sliding glass door so he can no longer open it… he’s tried multiple times. He doesn’t react at all when it won’t budge. Point for daddy and mommy!

He’s taken the repeal of his general freedom fairly well, all things considered.

While I’m working, he has to stay inside with me virtually all day. The kid languishes.

But he holds it together.

I make sure we go somewhere for a little bit after the work day is done, even if it’s to run errands.

You can only coop up that much energy for so long!

Original Facebook Post.