
January 8, 2021| Jason Michael Reynolds|2 Minutes
January 8, 2021|By Jason Michael Reynolds|2 Minutes



Most school days, Jojo’s teacher will check in over Zoom at the beginning and end of each session to see how each student is doing.

“Jonah, how are you feeling today?”

Jonah has learned to reply, “I’m feeling tired,” over the last couple months.

He has said it regardless of the actual “emotion” he is feeling.

It’s just the “routine.”

Like when someone asks you “how are you?”
(“I’m fine, thank you.”)

It’s not a statement of truth… just a statement of routine and formality.

He expects the question and has his answer already prepared.

But Today was different.

Today, Jonah replied, “I’m feeling…happy!”

After months and months of “I’m feeling tired.”

Everyone cheered for and with him and said they were happy as well.

We’ve had such a difficult school year.

At the beginning of the year, I would have to chase him around with the lap top. All over the house. Inside. Outside. In the garage.

We even tried a week of school over zoom from We Rock The Spectrum.

It has been nightmarish for learning.

It’s been 4 months. We have tried so many different things.

Jojo is such a hands on learner, it has been like pulling teeth just to get him to be in the same room as the lap top and his anxieties have been absolutely THROUGH THE ROOF.

(I don’t even want to get into it)

But something was different this week.

This was the first full week he has had good engagement with the screen.

He is paying attention to his teachers and making honest attempts to follow directions.

He is using his whiteboard and actually “trying.”

This week, 4 months into the school year, I would say he finally “started first grade.”

And I’m glad he’s able to finally SAY that “I’m feeling happy!” about school.

Lord knows not everyone can say that.


Original Facebook Post.