January 7, 2021| Jason Michael Reynolds|2 Minutes
January 7, 2021|By Jason Michael Reynolds|2 Minutes



You know when you need a vacation but you can’t go anywhere because there’s a global pandemic?

So you book a local AirBnB or find a cozy hotel or just send the kids to Grandma and Grandpas for the weekend?

You know… take a “staycation.”

Well, what about those times when you have been full-time parenting non-stop for days, weeks, even months on end and all you really need… heck, all you really WANT is an hour to yourself where you are not responsible for any other tasks, chores or human beings?

“Hey Hon? We need coffee creamer. I’m gonna run to the store.”


Time for a “STORECATION.”

Time to sit in the parking lot in your car at the store for a good 45 minutes just doing…


Play on your phone. Listen to a podcast. Take a nap… this is YOUR time.

Go ahead and wander for a while when you finally DO go inside. (Don’t forget your mask!)

Check out all the different kinds of BBQ sauces they have now.

Make sure you try all the free samples available.

Make faces at everyone from behind your mask and see if they notice.

Test some of those couches on the store floor.


Find a shopping cart and see how far you can ride on it like a scooter.

Op… someone’s trying to call you?

Not right now…

It’s like going to see a movie. All electronic devices are silenced for a STORECATION.

Sure the kids might be going crazy at home but you know what?

You can’t do anything about that right now…


And you have to go all the way back to the car… and pick a song to bump AT FULL VOLUME for the ride home.

And that will take a good half an hour.

So go ahead. Check the pantry. Check the fridge. What do you need?

Because sometimes, a trip to the store, isn’t just a trip to the store.


(Don’t forget the coffee creamer!)

Original Facebook Post.