Came across this pho…

March 2, 2020| Jason Michael Reynolds|1 Minutes
March 2, 2020|By Jason Michael Reynolds|1 Minutes

Came across this pho…

Came across this photo today. Jonny was probably 5 years old, at the state fair. I remember taking this photo and thinking, “he’ll never fit into those clothes.” Now, even Jonah has outgrown them. 😔
Jonny could never make it through the “crazy house” because at the end he had to walk through a huge green rotating cylinder and he was too unstable to make it through.
They would have to shut the ride down to let him off.
Jonny has come so far in new things he is willing to try, even when it scares him. Even when he feels he might not be able to do it.
He is learning to face the challenges in life…
He is learning to conquer his fears.
He is learning that “life won’t stop for you to get off the ride.”
Sure, you might fall, but you get back up and keep on going.
I couldn’t be more proud of him.
#kabukisyndrome #myRareTreasure

Original Facebook Post.