Many times, I will t…

February 11, 2020| Jason Michael Reynolds|1 Minutes
February 11, 2020|By Jason Michael Reynolds|1 Minutes

Many times, I will t…

Many times, I will take it as a personal failure when someone in my family is going through hard times or when they are dealing with setbacks or failure.

For my own mental health, I have to learn to put those burdens down.

It saps a lot of my mental energy.

In those times, I have to realize that even though I’ll walk through the fire with them, I’m not the one causing the fire.

My job is to support them.

By the same token, I will celebrate their victories with them, but their victories are their own.

Again, my job is to support them.

I’ll walk with them, but I’m not gonna vicariously live through them.

Real talk coming from The Daily Stim…

Original Facebook Post.