For my boys……

November 28, 2023| Jason Michael Reynolds|1 Minutes
November 28, 2023|By Jason Michael Reynolds|1 Minutes

For my boys……

For my boys…

Every day, you get a little older.

With each morning, a litttle piece of your fleeting childhood slips away into forever.

But as you walk your perpetual journey of half-remembered tomorrows and future forgotten memories, please…

Walk with me a bit more.
Let me hold you a while longer.

For the day will come when I will pick you up, and I will set you down for the last time…

…Completely unaware that you have stepped into your tomorrow.

So live your life today. Dream your dreams. Imagine the fantastically absurd and impossible things. Laugh from your belly. Enjoy the magic of every sliver of childhood while you can.

Because when the day comes that today’s experiences become yesterday’s memories…

…this is how I will always remember you.

Original Facebook Post.