Celebrate Every Step Forward

November 6, 2018| Jason Michael Reynolds|1 Minute
November 6, 2018|By Jason Michael Reynolds|1 Minute

Celebrate Every Step Forward

We reached this point when Jonny was an infant. He was less than the 3rd percentile for his height and weight for his first year.

He was always “behind” developmentally and we went through all the rigmarole of interventions and services.

Now, everytime there’s another challenge with either of our kids, I’m like… “welp. Add it to the list.”

We deal with what we can deal with.

Now, that’s just life. We celebrate small victories.

My aim as a parent is to keep them happy, healthy, and ALWAYS MOVING FORWARD in life, no matter the speed.

(Love this from Just a minutemy cape is in the dryer)

Original Facebook Post.