This is just “parenting”…

November 6, 2018| Jason Michael Reynolds|1 Minutes
November 6, 2018|By Jason Michael Reynolds|1 Minutes

This is just “parenting”…

This is just “parenting” for us now.

Before Jonah was even born, we had already been through the parenting “gauntlet” with Jonny.

Bilateral Hip dysplasia (dislocated hips at birth – needed surgical repair)
Cleft Palate (needed surgical repair)
Colicky (sometimes crying 8-12 hours straight through the night)
Low Muscle tone…
Extremely picky eating…
less than 3rd percentile for weight…

Developmental play groups.
1:1 therapists.
The kid had an IEP as soon as he turned 3 years old.

Milestones for us are more like “inchstones.” Our kids would be considered “behind” in many areas…

But kids all have different strengths if we take the time to find them.

More than learning how to read and write, I want to make sure my kids are growing up to be kind and genuine.

Success isn’t found on a report card or an IEP.
It’s found in the little things that matter in life.

Comparison is the thief of joy. We can’t measure our success with other people’s rulers…

Don’t anchor your happiness on the amount of progress made.

Just keep moving forward.
The “inchstones”… not the milestones.

(Love this from Just a minutemy cape is in the dryer)

Original Facebook Post.