When dealing with meltdowns, it is imperative to react evenly and calmly…

August 26, 2018| Jason Michael Reynolds|2 Minutes
August 26, 2018|By Jason Michael Reynolds|2 Minutes

When dealing with meltdowns, it is imperative to react evenly and calmly…

When dealing with meltdowns, it is imperative to react evenly and calmly…

But it takes every last ounce of my patience to not “lose it” when both my kids are melting down.

I want to scream at Jonny that he can control the situation and he is making it worse by screaming LOUDER than Jonah, which escalated the situation further…

I want Jonah to understand why life isn’t making sense to him at the moment and that it would soon be okay…

…If he has the patience to wait just a few minutes.

Last time, I wanted to scream when Jonah kept turning the car off when I tried to turn it on to keep the car battery from dying… and then wanted to scream again when it wouldn’t start up.

It takes every last ounce of patience I possess to keep from just GOING OFF sometimes…

But I know that my words and my attitude can cut like a knife, if I let it, especially with Jonny, and he has a sensitive heart…

And I know that when Jonah’s routine is broken, when he was looking forward to the “next” thing we were doing, his world will END for a good hour, and he will need time to come to grips with the situation.

In those times, I have to stand strong. I have to remain impassive, and I have to keep my cool.

Because I am their “rock.”

If I “lose it,” then we are ALL lost.

And I can’t afford to let that happen.

(Love this from Autism. From a dad’s eye view)

Original Facebook Post.