Until recently, Jonah used a stroller in public…

August 27, 2018| Jason Michael Reynolds|1 Minutes
August 27, 2018|By Jason Michael Reynolds|1 Minutes

Until recently, Jonah used a stroller in public…

Until recently, Jonah used a stroller in public. He had outgrown it years ago. His feet practically dangled on the ground.

But he still used it.

In Hawaii, it was his only “calm” when he didn’t know what was going on. When I tried to take him out of the stroller at the airport, he screamed and climbed back in.

To him, his stroller was his security. His comfort. He may not know what is going on in his surroundings, but he was comfortable in “his space.”

We have made HUGE strides over the summer. He will hold my hand most of the time and will respond to me when I call him to not run off.

So far, we have done pretty well. (Except for the zoo. The kid ran 3 miles at that zoo.) 😬

But other than that…. we haven’t had to use the stroller. As a matter of fact, last month I gave it away. 😬😬😬😬😬

We shall see how it goes.

But knowing what I NOW know, I won’t ever judge another parent using a stroller no matter HOW big their child is.

[Love this from Cat on a trampoline]

Original Facebook Post.