My kids are … very “funny.”

August 21, 2018| Jason Michael Reynolds|2 Minutes
August 21, 2018|By Jason Michael Reynolds|2 Minutes

My kids are … very “funny.”

My kids are … very “funny.”

So yesterday, I’m picking up Jonah from his therapy camp and as I’m loading up he and Jonny into the car, Jojo tells me he’s thirsty.

It’s hot in the car so I give him a little mini-water-bottle he can drink out of on the way home.

So I’m driving home in rush-hour traffic trying to merge into a 7-lane freeway of bumper-to-bumper traffic with “The Greatest Showman” blaring in the background when all of a sudden… I nearly jumped out of my seat.

My back was suddenly completely soaked and I had no idea why. (well, I had ONE idea)…

Yes. Jonah had dumped his water-bottle down the back of my seat.

But I couldn’t deal with the situation because I was merging into traffic so I just “ignored” it.

I didn’t want to “encourage” that behavior every time Jonah has a drink in the back seat and when you tell Jonah “No,” what he hears is, “I understand I am not SUPPOSED to do [this thing] but it is pretty funny if I instead DID [this thing] and laughed about doing [this thing].

And of course, Jonny was no help. I thought I was doing a pretty good job of “keeping my cool” when Jonny started busting out laughing in the back seat.

He was not in fact, “keeping his cool.”

“BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! NO-NO, JO-JO!! BWA-HA-HA!! DADDY! GUESS WHAT JOJO JUST DID?” (as if I couldn’t feel the water seeping into my shirt)…

I ignored the both of them.

And of course, Jojo starts laughing right along side his brother trying to fling the remnants of water at him… at me, at basically anything in the car.

They basically giggled the entire rest of the way home… Guess who doesn’t get drinks in the car anymore?

yeah… sigh

…These two.

Original Facebook Post.