“Can you go back to …

May 13, 2018| Jason Michael Reynolds|1 Minutes
May 13, 2018|By Jason Michael Reynolds|1 Minutes

“Can you go back to …

“Can you go back to bed Mama so I can make you coffee in bed?”

Unfortunately, Jonah has been running a fever since yesterday and came into our bed last night. Since he slept most the day yesterday, he tossed and turned for several hours keeping us BOTH awake.

Finally, Mama just got up at the crack of dawn and put the coffee on (much to the chagrin of another little boy who wanted to get up earlier than Mama to surprise her with coffee in bed).

So, when Jonny finally got up, he asked Mama if she would “go back to bed for a second.” (She did.)

Jonny picked up the mug of coffee she had already been sipping and delivered it to her in her bed.

Happy Mother’s Day, Mama!

Original Facebook Post.