Teeth and Thumbs

August 26, 2015| Jason Michael Reynolds|2 Minutes
August 26, 2015|By Jason Michael Reynolds|2 Minutes

Teeth and Thumbs

So Jonny’s teeth are becoming an issue. We knew that it would happen eventually but now he has a loose tooth. Which prompted us to look more closely at his teeth.

Notice anything between the two pics from now (bottom), and 2 years ago (top)?

He appears to now have a chip on the outer edge of both teeth and they appear to be “flattening out” so they are blunt, not pointy. I’ve made an appointment with his dentist.

It also made me wonder if his thumb sucking has anything to do with his dental issues, and perhaps it has contributed.

So Mama has decided it is time for Jonny to stop sucking his thumb (a habit which he has had since birth). So she purchased some awful tasting nail polish for him, and a chew toy as a substitute to suck on.

Great idea right? Except…

Jonny sucks his thumb to fall asleep, sucks his thumb in the middle of the night while sleeping, when waking up, etc.

He has started crying in his sleep.

The awful taste does not go away. It was designed not to. So Jonny has to drink something besides water to get the taste out of his mouth. I have arbitrarily chosen Crystal Light in a sippie cup, which is posted on his headboard so he can drink it as he needs it.

And now he has to go to the bathroom already (2 hours since the last time) since he is always sucking his thumb, and then needing to down some Crystal Light. I’m predicting he will need to go at least another 3 times tonight. And he wakes Mommy and Daddy up each time he needs to go.

We could remove the yucky nail polish (in the middle of the night)… except you have to use actual nail polish remover… which tastes and smells… much better?

You know, I was just thinking that Jonny has been sleeping through the night for TOO DARN LONG and really needed to have his sleep schedule messed with again.
