A roundup from the last few weeks of Jonah’s ABA. (video)

April 24, 2018| Jason Michael Reynolds|1 Minutes
April 24, 2018|By Jason Michael Reynolds|1 Minutes

A roundup from the last few weeks of Jonah’s ABA. (video)

This is a roundup from the last few weeks of Jonah’s ABA.

Jonah has been doing ABA for about 7 months now. When we started back in September, Jonah could imitate a few words and word sounds that he had learned through Gemiini.

Now he can imitate virtually any word. He can correctly label dozens of objects and action words. He can identify almost any color or shape. He can count to 20 (forwards and backwards) and identify each number…and he can WRITE each number out and label it. He can also label (and write) every letter of the alphabet.

He is verbalizing his requests more and more.

He is independently requesting “more” of something… (“more TV,” “more tickles”…). He will independently request to “go outside,” or for someone to “move” or “sit down,” or “stand up.”

He will ask for “help” when he needs it. He will tell us when he is “thirsty.” (We are still working on “hungry” — usually he will just open the cupboard or fridge and grab the food he wants).

We are still working on potty-training. Right now he will sit on the potty (pants up) and count to 20 before flushing the toilet on his own.

We are also working on improving some of his behaviors like “throwing things” at people and hitting, but most of that is situational.

I love the progress.

Original Facebook Post.