An amazing birthday … (video)

March 5, 2018| Jason Michael Reynolds|1 Minutes
March 5, 2018|By Jason Michael Reynolds|1 Minutes

An amazing birthday … (video)

An amazing birthday party…

I’ve recorded many birthday parties from friends/family on my phone (which Jonah watches all the time) and Jonah understands the “routine” of singing Happy Birthday to someone followed by eating cake. So Jonah understands the general premise of a birthday party.

We have enough foresight to know which parties to take him to and are fortunate in that he has enjoyed most he has attended.

Yesterday, Both boys enjoyed a birthday party at a skating rink. The host rented the whole thing out so it was just birthday guests.

Both boys skated. Both boys had a blast.

Jonny played air hockey. I found out Jonah LOVES pinball (which is fine since Mama does too – and Jonah was content to watch Mama play). He even tried his hand a “pop-a-shot” basketball.

When it was time to sing happy birthday, Jonah ran right over to the cake and other guests with a big smile. He even started belting it (the Happy Birthday song) out before everyone else did.

He even had some cake (totally new food) and used a big boy fork to eat it (and not his fingers!)

He liked it so much watch what he did when brother wasn’t looking!

This kid!

Original Facebook Post.