Where have your kids fallen asleep?

March 18, 2018| Jason Michael Reynolds|1 Minutes
March 18, 2018|By Jason Michael Reynolds|1 Minutes

Where have your kids fallen asleep?

Where have your kids fallen asleep?

I used to ‘fight it out’ with Jonah to make him stay in bed at night while he was falling asleep.

I’ve given up.

Now, I simply lay in front of his door and make sure he just stays in his room at bedtime. He will fall asleep on the floor, on his stuffed animals, on ME (most the time), and OCCASIONALLY in his bed.

Sometimes I will put him back in his bed, sometimes I just leave him where he falls – depending on how the night went (because “don’t risk it” right?)…

Either way, he will end up in our bed by the end of the night anyways so it really doesn’t matter. lol

Original Facebook Post.