I had to wake both b…

January 23, 2018| Jason Michael Reynolds|1 Minutes
January 23, 2018|By Jason Michael Reynolds|1 Minutes

I had to wake both b…

I had to wake both boys up 20 minutes before school started today. I don’t want them to be late, but they need their sleep to function well. (AS WE ALL DO!)

All things considered they handled it well.

I ended up keeping Jonny home again. He was running a pretty good (bad) fever yesterday and his throat is sore and swollen today. Just made an appointment with his Dr. for possible STREP. You don’t mess around with that stuff. šŸ™

Also sent Jonah to school today without a pullup. I thought it would be like pulling teeth getting him dressed without one (especially since he was still waking up when I dressed him. But he did it like a rock star).

The truth is, he has progressed much farther with toilet training at school than at home. This is a big step though. But if there is one thing Jonah has taught me, it is not to doubt him.

I have every confidence that he will ROCK toilet training at school. But Good luck to those teachers… I sent him with plenty of extra clothes…

Aaand. I have a deadline tomorrow for work.

Pass the caffeine.

Original Facebook Post.