I had to wake both b…

January 23, 2018| Jason Michael Reynolds|1 Minutes
January 23, 2018|By Jason Michael Reynolds|1 Minutes

I had to wake both b…

I had to wake both boys up 20 minutes before school started today. I don’t want them to be late, but they need their sleep to function well. (AS WE ALL DO!)

All things considered they handled it well.

I ended up keeping Jonny home again. He was running a pretty good (bad) fever yesterday and his throat is sore and swollen today. Just made an appointment with his Dr. for possible STREP. You don’t mess around with that stuff. 🙁

Also sent Jonah to school today without a pullup. I thought it would be like pulling teeth getting him dressed without one (especially since he was still waking up when I dressed him. But he did it like a rock star).

The truth is, he has progressed much farther with toilet training at school than at home. This is a big step though. But if there is one thing Jonah has taught me, it is not to doubt him.

I have every confidence that he will ROCK toilet training at school. But Good luck to those teachers… I sent him with plenty of extra clothes…

Aaand. I have a deadline tomorrow for work.

Pass the caffeine.

Original Facebook Post.