What do you resolve … (video)

December 30, 2017| Jason Michael Reynolds|2 Minutes
December 30, 2017|By Jason Michael Reynolds|2 Minutes

What do you resolve … (video)

What do you resolve for 2018?

Here is a great New Years Promise from Walking With Drake.

“I want to change the world for you. I want to make it a more accepting place.
I want others to see what I see, an amazing child…full of wonder and love for the simple things.”

I love this.


A New Year Promise

I hope you’ll always know how much I love you.
That all the appointments and therapies are to help you cope with a sometimes hard world.
I want you to know that I see your joy. When you flap your hands, jump, and make all your happy sounds…I feel it too.
Know that your smile and joy makes me want to move mountains and swim oceans to see it over and over.
I want to change the world for you. I want to make it a more accepting place.
I want others to see what I see, an amazing child…full of wonder and love for the simple things.
I want people to enjoy the wind in the trees, shadows, lights, and rain the way you enjoy them.
I will fight for you until there is no more breath in my body. I will be your voice until I no longer have one. I am your biggest fan and you’re my hero.
No matter what this year brings, know that I will be here during the good and bad. I’m so proud of you, son. Every single day I admire your strength and ability to do this thing called life. You’re the most amazing little boy I know. I’ll love you forever.

Original Facebook Post.