Do your Ausome kiddo…

October 20, 2017| Jason Michael Reynolds|1 Minutes
October 20, 2017|By Jason Michael Reynolds|1 Minutes

Do your Ausome kiddo…

Do your Ausome kiddos watch videos upside down… or look through books upside down … and not care?

It is interesting when I start looking at the world through Jonah’s eyes.

He doesn’t turn books right side up if they are upside down. He simply looks at them upside down.

He will look at videos upside down on my phone and not care about the orientation.

It still makes sense to him.

He will write his numbers fluidly forward and then write them sideways or upside down, or even backward with the same fluid motion.

He will draw a “V” and yell the letter to me, labeling it as such…

…and in the next breath, draw a line through it and yell the letter “A.” (upside down)

He can recognize something from ANY perspective. And that is intriguing to me.

That is an ability I simply DON’T possess. If I was Jonah’s age, doing that wouldn’t make any sense to me.

I cannot watch videos upside down. I’ll tilt my head or re-orient the device.

I’ll tilt my head to read sentences that aren’t aligned vertically.

Jonah simply sees things in a way that sometimes, I don’t.

And that’s okay.

I love this quote from Maddox over at Maddox’s Autism Chronicles…

“My Autism makes my brain different. A very GOOD different.” -Maddox

Original Facebook Post.