I tried to get him t…

May 27, 2019| Jason Michael Reynolds|2 Minutes
May 27, 2019|By Jason Michael Reynolds|2 Minutes

I tried to get him t…

I tried to get him to eat a PB&J again for dinner. I even used the heel to make it look as similar to yesterday’s sandwich he gobbled up as possible, but alas.

I guess I’ll have to ask the neighbor girl if she will make it next time. (And every time!)

On yet ANOTHER positive note, for no particular reason, I put an apple down in front of Jonah just to see what he would do.

And for no particular reason, he took a bite. And then another one.

He ate a whole ring around said apple.

Apples. He’s NEVER eaten apples.

Yet another first.

If you would have told me a year ago that Jonah would eat a PB&J and an apple (the makings of a somewhat nutritious meal) I would have laughed in your face – you know, #pickyeatersclub.

But I don’t know. Something is going on it seems in the last couple weeks. We seem to be making huge strides.

And it’s weird. We are not doing anything “differently.” No special diet, or supplements, or probiotics. No special tablet program or magic app…

It’s all just “Jonah.”

And it makes me so proud…But also a bit apprehensive.

On one hand, the progress we are making is nothing short of phenomenal. Unbelievably so.

But on the other hand…

I know this journey. There are peaks and there are valleys. And with the “highest high,” you will also find yourself at the “lowest low.”

You ride the positives and celebrate every last victory.

But you prepare yourself for the other “proverbial shoe to drop.”

For the days that are so unspeakably bad, just surviving the day is a victory.

I have to celebrate days like today. I have to document it. Every last victory.

Because when that ‘other shoe’ drops, I will feel defeated at every level and I will need to remind myself that days like today actually DO exist.

Even if just as a Facebook memory.

Original Facebook Post.