Jonah has taught us so much about parenting.

August 4, 2017| Jason Michael Reynolds|2 Minutes
August 4, 2017|By Jason Michael Reynolds|2 Minutes

Jonah has taught us so much about parenting.

Jonah has taught us so much about parenting.

You see, I had a preconceived notion of what “parenting” looked like, even after Jonny was born.

Jonny has overcome a host of challenges and we are working on many others with him.

But the challenges we face with Jonah’s autism are things we could have NEVER prepared ourselves for.

REAL parenting begins when our preconceived notions of “parenting” meet the realities of it… When we finally admit to ourselves that we really have NO IDEA WHAT WE ARE DOING.

We find what works for us and we pray that what we are doing really is the best for us.

We have to move past what our expectations were of our kids and see them for who they really are. Then we can start making progress.

We are in it together. We take each step together, and we learn from each other. We learn how to best teach them and they learns how to overcome enormous adversity to succeed.

Our children are not ‘burdens.’ They are our responsibilities. As parents we are charged to love, cherish, equip, protect and care for them unconditionally.

And the lengths we go to do that may look different, but when there is a mountain in our path, we climb it, regardless of how high it is.

Our greatest responsibility on this parenting journey is to keep putting one foot in front of the other, regardless of the obstacles in our way.

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Original Facebook Post.