HEXBUGS! A meltdown deterrent?

December 12, 2016| Jason Michael Reynolds|1 Minutes
December 12, 2016|By Jason Michael Reynolds|1 Minutes

HEXBUGS! A meltdown deterrent?

Late 2-hour nap for Jojo means late night for Daddy and Jojo.

On one hand, I really REALLY want him to go to sleep, but on the other, he is calling my name in the dark, and he just mastered it about a week ago. It is really cute and I love playing the “name game” with him (“JO-JO”… “DA-DA”).

Do I answer to encourage communication or not answer to try to get him to fall asleep? Man, this kid knows how to pull my heart strings to push back his bedtime.

He must be learning from his big brother (who just asked for water for the umpteenth time).

In other news… I am trying to distract Jonah from getting in and out of bed half the night with one of Jonny’s old Hexbug nanos.

It vibrates in his hand, which is an interesting sensation for a sensory kid.

So far it’s working… well, he’s only gotten out of bed once so far?

If it works, I will not hesitate to promote, but here is what it is.

HEXBUG Nano Nitro Toy (5 Pack)

Original Facebook Post.