Today was a “teaser”…

March 12, 2018| Jason Michael Reynolds|1 Minutes
March 12, 2018|By Jason Michael Reynolds|1 Minutes

Today was a “teaser”…

Today was a “teaser” of springtime.

It reached nearly 75°F here today (24°C) so of course Jojo went “full summer” mode with shorts and eventually shed his shirt.

His water table is now completely leg-less, but still gets a lot of use when weather permits.

After today, Jonah’s gonna want to go outside and play in the water table every day…

So of course, it’s supposed to be cold and rainy through about … June.

Currently trying to put him to sleep without melatonin tonight.

It’s not working.

I foolishly thought one night would be enough to turn his whole sleep schedule around.

I never learn.

So here I am right now laying on the floor in his room. He’s “escaped.” He’s somewhere in the house. Hopefully in the hallway.

And I’m listening to his bedtime music… putting myself to sleep.

This happens every time.


Original Facebook Post.