Jonah’s medical shenanigans…

November 26, 2013| Jason Michael Reynolds|2 Minutes
November 26, 2013|By Jason Michael Reynolds|2 Minutes

Jonah’s medical shenanigans…

Wait, what? No, no no no, not to worry…  there is nothing wrong with Jonah, but I just wanted to contrast this post with the one for Jonny.

Jonah had his 2-week checkup and it was …uneventful. Weird. He’s “practically perfect in every way.” Really the only thing of note is that Jonah almost weighs more at 2 weeks (10lbs 5 oz) than Jonny did at 2 months (10lbs 8 oz).

We do need to take him down to the children’s hospital next month to have his hips x-rayed. It is a completely precautionary (unnecessary?) measure because Jonny had hip dysplasia and it “tends to run in families.” There has not been any indication that is anything remotely wrong with Jonah’s hips (or Jonny’s anymore for that matter!).

Jonah is perfectly content. He loves to eat…and eat… until he’s full, and then he throws it up so he can eat some more. Not “spitting up” mind you, full-on “puke-&-rally” projectile vomiting like he took a “Capitol purging” page straight out of the Hunger Games. He has done it 4 times now.

He eats a ton. Mommy has pumped a couple times, but most times, Jonah keeps right up with her so Mommy’s excess milk is quite the commodity.

It is really very endearing, at least for Daddy… who has only seen him throw up once (and only cleaned up half of one incident). Mommy may not find it quite as cute anymore. Especially when it means the “liquid gold” has been wasted and it means one more feeding and one less hour of sleep if it’s at night.

But most nights Jonah will get to sleep around 8pm or so, get up to eat around midnight, 3-4AM, and 7AM respectively. Actually quite tolerable (again, for Daddy).

I feel a bit guilty for sleeping through late-night feedings (and/or changings…and/or burpings), but there’s no sense in both of us being awake right? right?

right. 🙂