Happy Birthday Auntie!

November 28, 2013| Jason Michael Reynolds|7 Minutes
November 28, 2013|By Jason Michael Reynolds|7 Minutes

Happy Birthday Auntie!

So… I must give honor to where honor is due. And seeing how Nov. 27 is my sister’s birthday, that in itself is enough cause for ‘honor.’

But my sister has gone above what a sister is called to do. And she continues to do so.

So starting way back, my sister has always been my lifeline or umbrella so-to-speak. Having a big sister has its pros and cons much the same way I’m sure having a big brother does. But there haven’t been very many cons along the way, at least for me.

My sister learned how to read when she was 4 and then taught me to read when I was 4.

My mom recorded us together on a cassette tape. She used to read all the books she found interesting, and would make me see them as interesting. She prayed with me to receive Christ after reading Orville Butterfly when I was 3 years old and she was 5.

My sister started babysitting me when she was probably around 9…and she was good at it. We would stay up late, listening to records of Bill Cosby or make non-sensical food combinations for fun (and feel rebellious), but she was protective of me. She didn’t like me singing songs on the radio she wasn’t supposed to know (even if she did) or watch movies she wasn’t supposed to watch (even if she had).

She was also quick to help. I remember in 6th grade, I was supposed to do a photo album for a field trip to Washington DC and I didn’t have enough photos (with a deadline of the next day), my sister let me use some of hers from her trip to DC 2 years earlier, and even helped me label them.

During the summer, my mom used to drop the 2 of us off at a local water park and leave for the day. We would play until we got bored or the park closed. My sister was always in charge.

As we grew up, we endured new houses, moves, new schools, new friends, but always remained close through it all. When I started playing baseball as a 1st grader, she was the bat girl. When I played in high school, my sister was our official “book-keeper”…

And not just a typical book keeper, Auntie tracked Runs batted in, where balls were hit, how many runners were left in scoring position after an inning and all the little details that helped our team get better.

We were both “technically” 3-sport athletes (if you count a year of tennis for me and a year of slow-pitch softball for her), but she went to far more games of mine then I went to hers. She sat through cold, rainy days and nights for hours on end following my game schedule and didn’t bat an eye at it.

We moved away for 3 years in high-school while my mom continued to work locally (90 mile commute). So Auntie took over the responsibility of cooking meals at home.

And she became an excellent cook.

After high school and throughout college we remained close. Though she was 2 years ahead of me, we both went to college in the same area. She went to college about 10 miles away. We graduated the same year in 2003. I received a degree in Art and my sister got a degree in Recreation (My mom coincidentally was an Art/Rec double-major).

When Mama and I started dating, I think my sister knew she was “the one” for me. I remember after they first met (while watching one of my baseball games), I asked Auntie what she thought of Mama. She said, “I like her almost better than I like YOU!” (I think that’s verbatim).

When Mama and I were married in 2004, Auntie was one of Mama’s bridesmaids. Auntie hand-made dozens of place mats for our wedding reception and designed the magnets people took home with them.

When Jonny was born, there really was no happier Auntie.
And we have been so blessed since.

From babysitting and dinners at the hospital from our favorite restaurant to cleaning up the messy house while we were at the hospital, we have been immensely blessed.

So naturally, when Mama was pregnant with Jonah, Auntie made us food.


Like 30 home-made breakfast burritos, pasta dishes, coconut dishes, meatball sauces… and this was BEFORE he came along.

When Jonah was born, she not only babysat Jonny and brought him to meet his little brother, she also treated us to another much-needed serving of our favorite restaurant.

Now we are on round 2 of 30 breakfast burritos, a dozen pieces of lasagna (pre-cut and wrapped/served individually so the dish doesn’t have to be reheated over and over again), and more meals waiting in the freezer. It is really overwhelming.

And today (now) being Thanksgiving, If there is one person I need to thank the most, it is my sister. For all my games you went to in the freezing cold, for all the goofiness of our childhood, to all the memories and movie-quotes… but especially, for your giving heart and the blessing you have been in my life and our families’ lives…and for making the Thanksgiving Dinner tomorrow… Happy Birthday, and Thank you.

…you gunky.