Spring has sprung!

May 14, 2010| Jason Michael Reynolds|2 Minutes
May 14, 2010|By Jason Michael Reynolds|2 Minutes

Spring has sprung!

Okay okay okay… feeling guilty about the lack of posting-ness going on around here. I’ve been busy? well actually, I was more busy a couple years ago and posted like every other day, but…the sun is shining, the music’s playing, and Jonny and Mama are dancing around the kitchen to Boston’s More Than a Feeling. How can one blog at a time like that?

Actually, things have been pretty good. Summertime is slowly approaching and flowers are blooming which means…time for spring-time outdoor projects! Grammy and Papa got us a gift card to Lowes for Christmas and we have put it to good use!… An industrial grade gas-powered weed-eater with switch-out heads and a roto-tilling attachment (Arrh arrh arrh…think Tim Allen), a pressure washer for cleaning our driveway, our cars, our roof, or stripping paint off the deck…a new rolling spreader for fertilizer…

Oh, and a wheelbarrow…not because we need to haul stuff right now, although we could try hauling Jonny around in it…the little bugger is getting so heavy now…but because a house without a good wheelbarrow is scarcely a house at all. Kind of like having a lawn…and a lawnmower with which to mow it (speaking of which, we also got a new one of those self-propelled mulching/bagging high-octane racing lawnmowers)

Oh. Words of wisdom…when filling a spreader with fertilizer, do so on the pavement or driveway, or somewhere other than on your grass. If you ‘accidentally’ spill it while filling it up, it won’t kill your pavement.

Oh. Words of wisdom…when filling a spreader with fertilizer, do so on the pavement or driveway, or somewhere other than on your grass. If you ‘accidentally’ spill it while filling it up, it won’t kill your pavement.