Yes. Exactly this! […

August 24, 2022| Jason Michael Reynolds|1 Minutes
August 24, 2022|By Jason Michael Reynolds|1 Minutes

Yes. Exactly this! […

Yes. Exactly this! [From Just a minutemy cape is in the dryer]

Lordy, it’s been a day. My boy is in high anxiety mode. Can’t blame it on the full moon, although, let’s not discount the gravitational effects of the upcoming NEW moon. (8/27) It looks like NO moon, but the gravity shift…it can be just as disruptive as a giant supermoon. Or maybe, he’s just asserting himself. Either way, even when I feel like I can’t carry the added anxiety and I think I may snap, at any moment, I DO carry it all. I DON’T snap. I rely on every tried and true calming method in my arsenal. I bring the boy’s anxiety back down to a manageable level, for him and for me. And then I shut down. Not cooking. Not cleaning. Not answering the phone. It takes a lot out of me, to not be drawn into the intensity of a difficult moment, but if I succumb, my boy suffers. Not gonna let that happen. So I breathe. And I make it all better. And I get lost in Vampires, to recharge. And all is right with the world❤️

Original Facebook Post.