When I first became …

June 10, 2022| Jason Michael Reynolds|2 Minutes
June 10, 2022|By Jason Michael Reynolds|2 Minutes

When I first became …

When I first became a dad I had clear visions for the future, of what sort of parent I’d be. ⁣

How I’d help teach my kids to say their first words and read them a story every night before bed. I could imagine the fun days out we’d have exploring museums, visiting castles, seeing the sights of London, travel around the world. ⁣

I’d teach them how to play tennis, football, and we’d join the local sailing club. The weekends would be filled with family and friends, our social lives would be hectic!⁣

So far, being a parent has been quite different than what I thought. There’s been no first words or reading stories out loud. There’s been no museums, castles, or sight-seeing. No tennis lessons, football teams, or learning to sail. Visits to friends or family are at a minimum, our social lives are very low key. I’ve never been abroad with Tommy, the last time with Jude was when he was 3. ⁣

Instead, autism has meant that life has been quite different to the one I imagined, and so I’ve needed to become a different parent. ⁣

A parent who will bounce on the trampoline, sing songs, massage, squeeze, rock, blow bubbles, build puzzles, rip paper, jump, flap, and do whatever else it is they enjoy, every single day. ⁣

A parent who does everything he can to make sure those important, essential routines are followed day after day.

A parent who has become non-judgmental, more accepting, and develop levels of patience I never knew existed. ⁣

A parent who will do whatever it takes to ensure my children have the right support to live the best possible lives.⁣

Autism has taught me to forget about the parent I thought I’d be, and become the parent my children need ❤️

Original Facebook Post.