So, question for you…

May 25, 2021| Jason Michael Reynolds|1 Minute
May 25, 2021|By Jason Michael Reynolds|1 Minute

So, question for you…

So, question for you guys…

I’ve been noticing Jonny sometimes has a tough time identifying signals his body is sending.

There are times Jonny can’t actually tell if he’s “full” or not.

There are also times when he can’t identify that he’s “hungry.”

Sometimes we just have to figure out Jonny’s food intake recently by his behavior.

Like the more “whiney” he is, the less food he’s eaten. He will be super “hangry,” but he doesn’t actually think he’s hungry at all.

And when I force him to eat, he’ll down like an entire pizza and feel better.

Is that a common sensory issue with your kiddos?

Original Facebook Post.