So Here’s a new (old…

August 30, 2020| Jason Michael Reynolds|2 Minutes
August 30, 2020|By Jason Michael Reynolds|2 Minutes

So Here’s a new (old…

So Here’s a new (old) one.

He’s been fighting “going to bed,” for over 2 hours now.

He did the entire bedtime routine… He ate. Bath. Jammies. Brushed teeth.

But he refuses to actually “go to bed.”

He’s not “escalated.” Just obstinate.

He’s exhausted.

But He’d rather fall asleep on the floor of the hallway than actually “go to bed.”

So I’m sitting here next to him torn about what to do.

He really hasn’t done this since he was about 3 or 4 years old, and back then we would just hang out on the floor of his bedroom until he fell asleep.

When he does his normal bedtime routine, I know generally what to expect throughout the night.

Either he will sleep through the night in his bed, or he will get up and find me and sleep next to me, usually in our bed.

Except now, he’s not in his bed OR in our bed.

Part of me just wants to sleep in his room to see if he will just climb into his bed in the middle of the night.

That would be some semblance of our routine.

It’s the bigger part of me that wonders, “what if he doesn’t?”

I’m inclined to just “leave him there,” but I’m uncertain what he will do when he wakes up.

Will he go to bed on his own? Will he stay on the floor? Will he be upset when he wakes up?

But I guess my main concern is “will he do it again tomorrow?”

I do not want to start a routine of him just refusing to go to bed.

We’ve worked really hard on our bedtime routine and I don’t want to see us regress here.

I think I’ll sleep on the floor of his room (usually he climbs into his bed when I’m there) and just hope for the best.


Original Facebook Post.