This is just bird th…

July 22, 2020| Jason Michael Reynolds|2 Minutes
July 22, 2020|By Jason Michael Reynolds|2 Minutes

This is just bird th…

This is just bird that landed on our fence the other day.

They are very common around here, but I don’t actually know what kind of bird this is.

I don’t know why I decided to take a picture of this bird, except that it was it was “just there.”

It’s not a particularly interesting subject, but I decided to see what I could do with it.

Most people around here see these birds as common place or ordinary…

Maybe that’s why I took the picture.

Some people see our lives as “less than ideal.”

They see the struggles, the challenges, the difficulties and if they had to describe us, the word “beauty” would not be a word they would ascribe.

“Just ordinary,” would even be a stretch.

But one thing that this life has taught me is that “just ordinary” is never “just ordinary.”

Sometimes we have to look harder and dig a bit deeper.

Sometimes we have to focus on what we are seeing.

Sometimes we have to adjust our viewpoint to get a clearer image.

I had never thought to take a picture of one of these birds, but now that I have looked closely at it through a lens…

Now that I have taken the time to see it as “more than just the background”…

Now that I have cast off my preconceived notions I had of “beautiful,” of “ordinary,” and even of “extraordinary”…

…I can see something more than I saw at first glance.

Something extraordinarily beautiful.


Original Facebook Post.