With Mama working at…

May 16, 2020| Jason Michael Reynolds|4 Minutes
May 16, 2020|By Jason Michael Reynolds|4 Minutes

With Mama working at…

With Mama working at the hospital and me at home all day, the boys don’t get a lot of quality time with just Mama.

Jonny DID go with Mama to go see Spongebob the Musical a while back.

(Spongebob is Jonny’s favorite musical.)

And when I say “favorite,” I mean if given the choice between going to Disneyland and going to New York to see Spongebob off Broadway, Jonny said he would rather go to New York.

And this from a kid who dreams of growing up and living and working at Disneyland. That’s how much he loves Spongebob the Musical.

The show didn’t travel. Jonny did the research and told us, which is why he wanted to see it in New York.

(Until this Year. They were in town for one night.)

We surprised Jonny on that random Thursday night.

He got to have a date night with Mama. They went out to eat, went to the theatre, saw Jonny’s favorite show, and had a blast.

He was so happy.

That was back in February. 3 days later, school would be cancelled and the state would be shut down.

It’s been a much longer time since Jonah had some quality time with just Mama.

I don’t remember when they last went out alone.

So today, Mama took Jonah hiking for the first time ever.

He has never been hiking. We had always been worried about him eloping into the woods and losing him.

But he is older now. And Jonah has come a long way.

So they went to a local place by a river. It was a pretty dreary day, but Jonah didn’t care.

He started off at almost a dead run. He was so excited. Mama had to try to keep up.

He had fun throwing rocks in the water by the river, squishing his feet in the mud, walking on logs, learning how to clean the mud off his shoes to avoid slipping, and just having fun being a kid outside.

They hiked for about 2 miles or so. Jonah could have gone farther. Mama wasn’t familiar with the area and she didn’t want to get into unmarked territory or get lost so she didn’t go the length of the trail.

Jonah had a little bit of difficulty turning around. Even though the trail was thickening with brush and overgrowth, he didn’t want to turn back.

He protested for about 5 minutes before Mama offered him some water and he finally calmed down and let her lead him.

He walked much slower on the way back.

They got back to the car soaked and cold, but happy.

Jonah fell asleep on the way home. He was exhausted.

Not the kind of exhaustion from being “tired”…

It was the kind of exhaustion that comes with a long day of walking and running. Throwing rocks and jumping logs.

A Jojo and Mama kind of day.

Just what he and Mama needed.

Original Facebook Post.