Sometimes I want to …

March 29, 2020| Jason Michael Reynolds|3 Minutes
March 29, 2020|By Jason Michael Reynolds|3 Minutes

Sometimes I want to …

Sometimes I want to freeze life at an exact moment, and lock that moment away, safe in my mind.

I want to hold that moment, cherish it. …Always have it fresh in my memory.

I call them “perfect moments.”

I know that life is full of ups and downs and if we don’t notice the “ups” when we get to them, those “perfect moments” will slip right through our fingers, and we will look back longing to have that time back.

I took this picture on my iPhone in Maui 3 years ago.

Jonah sat next to me playing in the waves as they lapped against the shore.

Mama was teaching Jonny how to swim in the bluest water I had ever seen.

Jonny had never been in the ocean. He had been so scared of the water that he wouldn’t even let go of us in shallow water, even with a life jacket on.

That day, Jonny let go. He was floating all on his own… moving confidently with the rhythm of the ocean. He was so proud of himself. I was so proud of him.

For Jonah, There is nothing more calming or soothing than being in or around water. It is his element. He was so happy.

And for me, right then and there, being on a mostly secluded beach with my family, at peace, content with life, in that moment, in that setting… happy… together…

A Perfect moment.

I save these “perfect moments” in my head as reminders for …

…all the “other” times.

For times when things are “not as good.”

For those times when the routines are gone and every day is filled with uncertainty.

For those times when fear seems to take hold of us and we are filled with anxiety.

For those times when our focus shifts to “how bad will it get?”

…sometimes we need a gentle reminder.

…of how GOOD it can get.

And so here is a “perfect moment” to remind you that in the midst of all this uncertainty, these perfect moments are always waiting for us to find them…

… if we can see past the fear.
…past the anxiety.
…past the uncertainty.

In the midst of all the bad, there is also good, and if we are lucky, we may even find a “perfect moment”…

…if we can only take the time to look.

[Do you have a “perfect moment?” Tell is about it!]

Original Facebook Post.