So proud of this kid…

December 16, 2019| Jason Michael Reynolds|1 Minutes
December 16, 2019|By Jason Michael Reynolds|1 Minutes

So proud of this kid…

So proud of this kid.

We had his IEP meeting today and he has been ROCKING it at school.

He just received the Student of the Month award for integrity, and earned his Tiger Club badge (every teacher he has must sign off on his nomination for it).

I was so proud…

His academics are progressing well and I am thrilled.

But this is his heart…

We were at Trail Life the other night and they were collecting shoeboxes of toys to donate to those kids in need through Operation Christmas Child.

We had a missionary come in and talk about life in a 3rd world country where she has served many times and how much these gifts mean to those kids. The looks on their faces when they are delivered.

Jonny asked question after question about life in that country and was genuinely concerned that they wouldn’t like his gifts.

“Do they know who batman is? I have a toy car for them. If they don’t have any roads there, do they know about cars? Do they like stuffed animals? What about stickers?”

He was getting more and more anxious that the kids wouldn’t like his gifts.

“Daddy, I want to see their faces when they open this.”

His final question…

“Can we donate two shoeboxes?”

#Ausome #myRareTreasure #kabukikiddo #KabukiSyndrome

Original Facebook Post.