So Jonny won student of the month…

May 1, 2019| Jason Michael Reynolds|2 Minutes
May 1, 2019|By Jason Michael Reynolds|2 Minutes

So Jonny won student of the month…

So Jonny won student of the month at his school for April… because of course he did.

This kid.

Let me tell you a little bit about Jonny.

He was born with bilateral hip dysplasia (loose/dislocated hips) and a cleft palate that needed to be surgically repaired before he was a year old.

Developmentally, he’s been behind since he was born. He’s 10, nearly 11, and is around the 20th percentile for his height (and even less for his weight). For the longest time, he was in the “less than 3rd percentile” for both. Most people assume he’s around 6-7.

Developmentally, he’s probably around 6-7. He’s got low muscle tone. He has difficulty with tasks like writing.

He’s got Specific Learning Disability (SLD), dyslexia, and probably ADHD. We’ve been on evaluation waiting lists for him for over a year.

If he landed somewhere on the spectrum, it absolutely would not surprise me.

But this kid’s heart. He just wants to serve others.

Last weekend was “kids weekend” at church, where the youth filled in for the adult roles at church (door greeters/ushers, etc…)

I had forgotten of course and hadn’t signed Jonny up to do anything. He was distraught.

So he found who he needed to talk to and helped out anyway doing whatever he could. He woke up early to help the following service as well.

For his birthday, he wanted me to buy a whole bunch of toys and then go around giving them to random kids in the parking lot of the store.

We settled for paying for the ice cream for another random person at Cold Stone.

Jonny said that when he grows up, he wants to grow up to be someone who helps people get out of stuck rides at Disneyland.

That way he gets to “live at Disneyland” and gets to help people.

My little student of the month.

Congrats! …but don’t let it go to your head, there buddy.

(I mean… considering the fact that he also won student of the month for February…)

Original Facebook Post.