December 12, 2018| Jason Michael Reynolds|2 Minutes
December 12, 2018|By Jason Michael Reynolds|2 Minutes



The words are jumbled up inside me…

So let them play.

Let us see what sort of shapes they can make, as they flow with letters, spaces and punctuation.

And if my mind is a playground, just let the words play.

See what my heart has to say as my two arms extend to my eight fingers and two thumbs of an emotional roller coaster moving up and down in a rhythmic tapping …

Like raindrops on the rooftops…

As my mind says “decompress” my heart says “awaken! For in the night time, we can consider all the possibilities of life.”


And I find myself here.

On the floor of his room. My son not sleeping, but dreaming… not speaking, just “being…”

…just wanting his Daddy near.

And I find my heart both heavy and light for on one hand, he is growing every day, and on the other hand, HE IS GROWING EVERY DAY.

And I am reminded how every breath that I take is another breath closer to the day my grandmother will die.

And every step I take is a step further from the day my mom caught my father’s eye.

And I look at my son wondering what the future will hold for him…

“What do you dream, son of mine? What thoughts drift through your head as you tuck yourself inside your bed?”

And now he breathes that slow breath of remembrance… as he soars on clouds on high in his mind…

And I sit on his floor not wanting to wake him… from a place he is flying faster than the earth can hold, a place where he is the mighty wind blowing over an enormous mountain with 10 feet of snow, dinosaurs, kittens, and “Daniel Tiger”…

So dream on son of mine. For tomorrow you must wake. And the playing will end…

So Let your heart take you where your mind cannot dream to be. Let your body rest and let your heart pool all the words inside you. Words that one day, you will say…

But until then?

Just let the words play.

Original Facebook Post.