So we are having a p…

November 16, 2018| Jason Michael Reynolds|1 Minutes
November 16, 2018|By Jason Michael Reynolds|1 Minutes

So we are having a p…

So we are having a problem with “throwing things” and I bet we aren’t the only ones…

I thought we had finally gotten past this, but around this time last year, Jonah started throwing things. He doesn’t (usually) do it maliciously, but more as a sensory activity.

He is doing it again.

And with the days getting shorter, there is less time to spend outside playing and more time to be inside…

Being bored…

He likes throwing toys into the ceiling…. throwing bins of toys and scattering them… throwing papers off the table and scattering them… throwing clothes we are trying to fold everywhere…

And generally just throwing “stuff.”

Unfortunately, he has started doing this in the classroom with heavier things and has hurt another student.

No bueno.

Last year, we redirected with some soft things for him to throw like nerf balls and feathers and things like that which don’t inflict pain on anyone… but those objects aren’t NEARLY as satisfying to Jonah as a good “WACK” from a Matchbox Car or a Little People embedding itself into the ceiling.

And I can’t always be there to redirect so I’m asking you guys…

“What do you do about all the “THROWING?”

Original Facebook Post.